January – 2019: 03 International Standards
AMSK acquires below mentioned 03 highly regarded international standards from Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI).
- 1. ISO 9001 : 2015 for Quality Management Systems
- 2. ISO 14001 : 2015 for Environment Management Systems
- 3. OHSAS 18001:2007 for Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems
August – 2016: AMSK wins prestigious awards at CNCI ACHIEVER’S AWARDS 2016
AMSK Constructions (Pvt) Ltd., a dynamic and pioneering construction organization in Sri Lanka, was awarded the following awards upon conducting a comprehensive and stringent evaluation of thousands of organizations, at the CNCI (The Ceylon National Chamber of Industries – the authoritative body in Sri Lanka for all things industrial) ACHIEVER’S AWARDS 2016, held in Colombo (Hotel Galadari) on 18th August 2016.
Awards Category – Extra Large Scale Companies
- National Merit Award – For outstanding industrial excellence.
- Provincial Bronze Award – For outstanding industrial excellence.
AMSK received these prestigious awards for its overall contribution to the national economy, adoption of state-of-the-art construction methods, focus on ambitious green building concepts, emphasis on organizational health and safety of employees, and corporate social responsibility to surrounding communities. Also, it is noteworthy that, AMSK also received a provincial merit award at the CNCI ACHIEVER’S AWARDS 2015 ceremony held last year.
Commenting on the remarkable achievement, Managing Director of AMSK, Deshamanya Ajith Perera stated that, As a company that started as very small business nearly two decades ago, we are now delighted to be recognized us at a national level amongst the largest industrial giants of the nation and also stated that he is proud of the achievements of the company, especially considering the treacherous journey of AMSK.